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Order batching is a typical method in order picking in which products from two or more orders are chosen together during a single round of picking. When orders with comparable picking sites are batched together and picked in the same order-picking session, it can reduce the overall order-picking journey distance.

What is Order Batching?

Order batching is a group of many orders into a single processing batch. An effective warehouse management system can control and optimize batch picking or picking across orders. The employee can choose based on a range of parameters in the release program. As a result, various orders are processed at once in the order batch. When done effectively, order batching can dramatically save expenses. 

For example, imagine a private pharmacy with a central warehouse that supplies products to 50 retail locations around the Pacific Northwest.

The logistics facility failed to meet demand as the corporation added 15 more locations. Given the company’s tiny size, it decided to reconsider its order selecting tactics before implementing robotics and other automated operations. 

After considerable thought, warehouse managers realized that single order picking was no longer feasible, especially since each retail store often requested the same types of things, so order batching was used. Management used their warehouse management system to create perfect order batching and picking paths for each shift, allowing workers to pick multiple orders at once rather than making repetitive treks throughout the warehouse.

Finally, the pharmacy reduced worker travel time by 55% while increasing the pick rate by 40%. Moreover, despite increased demand, productivity gains enabled the corporation to lower labor expenses by 15%.

Importance of Order Batching 

Order batching can help many warehouse operations because:

It is more effective

Order batching is more productive than other order picking procedures, such as single order picking. Employees can gather things for multiple orders at once, rather than returning to the same storage site numerous times during a shift.

It allows higher picking rates

Order batching allows one to pick multiple items at once, which helps to eliminate irregular picking. This equates to fewer pickers traveling warehouse lanes at any given time, minimizing bottlenecks and allowing employees to get to their following pick site faster.

It dramatically reduces the trip time

Pickers can prevent returning or reusing the same pick path numerous times in any given shift by using predetermined picking routes that strive to maximize every step taken. This can significantly save transit time and improve picking efficiency.

It reduces the workload on the employees

Order picking reduces the number of times workers spend roaming in the warehouse, making the work less demanding physically. Since pickers concentrate on one stock-keeping unit at a time, it is easier for them to focus on what is in front of them, reducing exhaustion and enhancing accuracy.

Optimal Order Batching in the Warehouse

  • The advantages of order batching can be extended even more by utilizing an order management system, warehouse management system, and inventory management technologies. An order management system, for example, can control an order’s service life automatically, from when it is submitted to when it is delivered. 
  • The order management may use the order data to streamline order processing, removing manual processes that might cause delays and operator mistakes. This makes it easier to fulfill orders promptly and accurately.
  • A warehouse management system can handle all distribution warehouse resources automatically. It can assist businesses in keeping a record of warehouse management, bin locations, and inventory. It can also help prevent overstock and be connected to warehouse technologies such as barcode scanners, allowing pickers to validate when orders have been picked readily. Furthermore, a warehouse management system may leverage data to improve duties, such as designing optimal pick tactics based on usual order types and warehouse structure.
  • Inventory management software can also increase order fulfilment productivity since it provides a real-time inventory perspective. This is especially effective in warehouses with fast-moving merchandise that must refresh often. 
  • Any time spent waiting for stock-keeping units to be supplied is completely wasted, and orders take longer to deliver. Inventory management software can track which products need to be refilled and ensure that pickers never wait for orders to be filled.
  • Order batching allows order pickers to pick many goods for several orders at the same moment, which helps warehouses and distribution facilities fulfill orders more efficiently. When coupled with technology and software such as a warehouse or order management system, the order fulfillment process can be further streamlined, allowing businesses to deliver orders to consumers more quickly and accurately.

What is the Difference Between a Market Order and a Batch Order?

A market order is a directive to buy or sell specific security as quickly as feasible at the best price available. Investors typically give market orders to brokers or brokerage firms, and they’re often placed immediately on live trading systems. Market orders are renowned for being a speedy and dependable transaction technique, although traders face a negligible risk while placing a market order. These are scheduled to trade at the earliest available time rather than at a fixed price. Therefore there may be a discrepancy between the price published for the market order and the actual price at which it is executed.

Batch orders, on the other hand, are proposals to initiate the production of new items based on formulas. When you generate a batch order, you begin to track and work with the product as it progresses through the stages of the manufacturing life cycle. The system assigns every step in this cycle an order status. The status indicates where the product is in the manufacturing process. Whenever an order is created, the status Created is applied to it. 

Order Batching Strategies

Order batching can be accomplished in two ways. The first method is usually performed in a warehouse management system, while the second can be carried out using a time-saving algorithm.

First come, first served

The order that arrives first gets served first. It indicates that the order of arrival decides how the orders are sorted into batches. When orders are formed in the warehouse, the first order is the order to which the subsequent orders are added for as long as possible. As a result, the first batch comprises the first order, second, third, and so on, as long as the truck’s maximum capacity is not exceeded. A new batch is established if it cannot add the fourth order to this batch because of insufficient truck space.

The fifth, sixth, or seventh order, and so on, are then added to the fourth order. The order that no longer fits into this batch because of the maximum capacity is sent to the first order of a new batch. This approach is straightforward to use, but it does not produce the best batching outcomes.

The seed algorithm

Seed algorithms begin by selecting one order, the seed order, among all available orders. These seed orders are supplemented with additional orders. Certain seed selection principles determine which orders are seed orders. This seed order is the start of a batch, which is finished with the other orders that have not already been included in a batch using order adding rules. The seed order is renewed whenever an order is added to a batch.

Once the order is added to the batch, it determines one of the two paths the algorithm will proceed. The first method is the Single Seed Rule, which states that the order must stay in the seed order until it can submit no more orders to the batch, while the continuous seed rule is the second method.

To achieve order batching, selecting the appropriate seed order is critical. There are various parameters for selecting a seed order. Employees can choose the order arbitrarily. Some of methods involved in choosing the seed order include:

  • The order with the closest or farthest product
    The biggest or shortest number of hallways
  • The largest or smallest duration to pick all items
  • The largest or smallest number of items
  • The order with the highest or shortest distance between the left and right aisle can be

The algorithm for saving time

Clarke and Wright’s batching technique is a savings algorithm based on their vehicle routing problem (VRP) algorithm. The fundamental variation of Clarke and Wright’s time savings algorithm is utilized here. This algorithm consists of multiple steps that must be completed: Specify the time savings when you batch the orders vs. a separate pick of the orders for each pair of orders, and then choose the combination of orders that saves the most time.

Generate a separate batch if the orders have not yet been allocated to a batch and there is enough capacity available. If one of the two combined orders has already been assigned to a set, see if the other order may be assigned to the same batch; if not, create a new batch. Repeat these steps to make fresh batches of orders that were not added to previous batches.

Order Batching Procedures

The operators in this approach select several items of the same kind simultaneously and then sort them into different orders. When the batch of orders is finished, it is moved to another storage room where other products are picked until the orders are completed.

The main objective is to boost operational efficiency by reducing the number of visits personnel must make to picking locations.

Make a list of orders to be picked

A picking list can be generated manually or by a warehouse or order management system. The list of picking orders is a document that lists the items to be transported, the quantities of each item, and their warehouse storage location.

Orders with similar picking needs will be grouped

The workers will receive their picking list and will fill each order using technology such as mobile scanners, carts, or totes. Other technologies, like voice-picking headsets, can be employed at this point to assist your picker in locating an item. An inventory management system can also help at this point by automatically grouping orders with the same goods into a batch.

Pickers should be assigned the picking list

If an organization uses automation, the inventory management system will evaluate the best path to reduce the employee’s travel time and prepare to pick lists for each picker.

Orders are packed and shipped to the customers

Finally, it is time to pack and ship the orders to the customers. When the batch of orders is completed, it is moved to another storage room where further products are picked until the orders are completed.

Order Batching Problems

The Order Batching Problem (OBP) is a class of optimization issues involving the recovery of items from a warehouse. The problem is essential, and the most extended version focuses on minimizing the time needed to gather a group of orders. This version, however, has evolved with numerous additional forms in which the limitations and/or the functional form may change.


What is wave picking?

Wave picking, also called cluster picking, is among many order picking technologies used to improve warehouse productivity. It entails releasing orders to the floor for fulfillment based on a common factor such as shipping date, similar items, warehouse zone, etc.

What is an order batch?

An order batch groups many orders into a single processing batch. An effective warehouse management system can control and optimize batch picking or picking across orders.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of order batching?

The cost of order batching might vary depending on the technology and intricacy of the picking mechanism. You may use an order management system in basic systems to generate pick lists that display on mobile picking devices. Other ways to improve order management is through advanced technology by including barcode scanners, pick-to-light, or voice picking systems. Automation and robots are used in the most sophisticated and expensive order batching systems.

What role does order batching serve primarily?

Order batching, which involves picking up the contents of two or more orders at once, is a typical order picking technique. If orders with comparable picking areas are batch-picked in one order-picking visit, it can reduce the overall order-picking journey duration.

In shipping, what does batching mean?

You can arrange several shipments into specific categories using the batch shipping method. This gives you more flexibility and control over your workflow because you may assign and handle these batches independently from other shipments. By whatever standards you require, group comparable loads together using batches.

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