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Locked Stock Reservation

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With the upcoming 3.3 Sale Day, Locad is enabling your brand to better manage your inventory and avoid overselling or going Out Of Stock to ensure an optimal customer experience. Introducing, Locked Stock Reservation – A new process on the Locad Dashboard that helps brands manage their Locked Inventory.

What is the update?

The Locked Stock for a campaign will now be taken into consideration when syncing the sellable stock across marketplaces (Sellable Stock = Available Stock + Locked Stock) ensuring an accurate representation without overstating the stock available for sale.

MarketplaceCatalog ProductInventory ProductUnitAvailable StockLocked StockSellable Stock
ShopeeShopee-SKU1SKU 11503080
LazadaLazada-SKU1SKU 1150050
ShopifyShopify-SKU1SKU 1150050

What is the update?

The Locad Dashboard will now intelligently manage buffer stock by incorporating overall locked stock across all marketplaces, this will help give a better picture of the stock that can be sold across marketplaces.

Example: If the Warehouse has:
SKU 1 = 100 qts
Sale on Shopify of SKU1 = 20 qts
Remaining SKU1 = 80 qts
Upon the sale of 20 quantities on Shopify, the inventory will sync across marketplaces in real time, which will look like this: 

MarketplaceCatalog ProductInventory ProductUnitAvailable StockLocked StockSellable Stock
ShopeeShopee-SKU1SKU 11303060
LazadaLazada-SKU1SKU 1130030
ShopifyShopify-SKU1SKU 1130030

Since there is no locked stock on Shopify, the available stock changes across marketplaces.

Now, if the Warehouse has: 

SKU 1 = 80 qts
Sale on Shopee of SKU1 = 20 qts
Remaining SKU1 = 60 qts
Upon the sale of 20 quantities on Shopee, the inventory will sync across marketplaces in real time, which will look like this: 

MarketplaceCatalog ProductInventory ProductUnitAvailable StockLocked StockSellable Stock
ShopeeShopee-SKU1SKU 11301040
LazadaLazada-SKU1SKU 1130030
ShopifyShopify-SKU1SKU 1130030

Since there were 30 qts of locked stock on Shopee, the available stock continues to stay the same across marketplaces due to the locked stock change for Shopee.

Eventually, if all the available stock on all marketplaces sells out – your brand will not be able to sell the Locked stock on any other marketplace.
(As per the above example, Locked stock from Shopee cannot be sold on Lazada and Shopify)

Why is it important?

If we take more orders than the actual inventory, it would result in non-fulfilment and cancellation of orders – leading to reduced customer trust. Many marketplaces (for eg. Shopee & Lazada) put a penalty on the seller’s account in the form of Order Volume Limit or OVL resulting in heavy financial impact.

Experience fulfillment by LOCAD

Grow your business through Locad’s simplified and automated fulfillment solution

  • Unlimited and scaleable warehousing
  • Pay only for what you store
  • No hidden fees or lock-in periods
  • Zero inbound costs
  • Wide integration with marketplaces
  • Automated logistics and delivery
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