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Automated Report Scheduling

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Understanding your fulfillment pipeline through reports is essential for steering your business toward success. Yet, manually chasing these reports can add to the already difficult task of crunching numbers!

With Locad’s Automated Report Scheduling, you can now generate and schedule a desired report to a frequency that suits your needs!

How to use this feature? 

  • Log into the Locad Dashboard 

Click on Report > New Report from the left panel

Automated Report Scheduling

Select the desired report type

Automated Report Scheduling

Toggle your requirement to either One Time or Scheduled Report from the right side of the page

Automated Report Scheduling

Indicate the frequency by selecting the week/month along with the time at which you would need the report to be generated

Automated Report Scheduling

Select the recipients of the scheduled report
Self Only: Sends report only to you
All Users: Sends report to everyone who has access to the brand account on the OMS
Other Recipients: Allows you to add additional email ids to send the report to.

Automated Report Scheduling

The scheduled reports are automatically sent to the recipient(s) on their email id for the ease of access. One can also view it from Reports > Generated Reports on the Locad Dashboard. 

Experience fulfillment by LOCAD

Grow your business through Locad’s simplified and automated fulfillment solution

  • Unlimited and scaleable warehousing
  • Pay only for what you store
  • No hidden fees or lock-in periods
  • Zero inbound costs
  • Wide integration with marketplaces
  • Automated logistics and delivery
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