Understanding SKU In Shopee For E-Commerce Sellers

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Reading Time: 16 minutes

Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) go beyond the combination of numbers and letters. In Shopee, proper management of SKUs result in higher operational efficiency, streamlined order fulfillment, and timely inventory replenishment, tying everything back to a successful run for e-commerce sellers. SKUs aren’t just codes or internal product identifiers; they are the linchpin to unlocking a realm of strategic advantages. 

This article delves into the intricate dance of SKUs, exploring how they shape inventory dynamics, streamline order fulfillment, and, ultimately, define an elevated customer experience in your Shopee Shop. From foundational insights to advanced optimization strategies, this guide is your compass in navigating SKUs and harnessing their full potential on Shopee, ensuring that your e-commerce business not only  stands out but thrives.

Introduction to SKU in Shopee

SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique alphanumeric code assigned to each distinct product in your inventory. This identifier helps streamline and organize products, making them easily manageable.

SKUs play a pivotal role in effective inventory management. They distinguish between similar products, allowing for precise tracking, restocking, and sales analysis. For instance, if you sell clothing, a single design available in various sizes and colors would have different SKUs, ensuring accurate stock control and order fulfillment.

Consider a smartphone model. The SKU for the 128GB variant might be “IPH8-128GB-BLK,” distinguishing it from the 64GB version (“IPH8-64GB-BLK”). This differentiation is vital for efficient stock control and customer order accuracy.

Understanding SKU intricacies is crucial for Shopee sellers aiming for seamless operations and customer satisfaction.

Creating and Managing SKUs in Shopee

Effective inventory management is crucial for success and tracking SKUs become important to identify stock, replenish stock and keep stock of returns. Shopee provides a powerful platform for sellers to showcase their products. Understanding and utilizing Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) is a fundamental aspect of managing your inventory on Shopee. In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of creating and managing SKUs to optimize your e-commerce operations.

Live SKUs: Keeping Products Visible

The term “Live SKUs” refers to products that are currently published and available for purchase by your customers. These are the active listings that contribute to your store’s visibility on Shopee. Monitoring and updating Live SKUs regularly is essential to ensure that your customers have access to the latest and in-stock products.

Delisted & Suspended SKUs: Handling Unavailable Products

Delisted and Suspended SKUs are products that are no longer available to your shoppers. Delisting occurs when you intentionally remove a product from your inventory, while suspension may happen due to policy violations or other issues. Properly managing these SKUs is crucial to maintaining a clean and compliant storefront.

SKUs Out of Stock: Navigating Zero Quantities

“SKUs Out of Stock” are products that have reached zero in quantity. This status is critical information for sellers to prevent overselling and manage customer expectations. Regularly updating your inventory to reflect accurate stock levels is essential to avoid disappointing customers with out-of-stock items.

SKUs with Low Stock: Preventing Stockouts

Keeping an eye on “SKUs with Low Stock” is vital for proactive inventory management. These are products that are low in quantity, signaling the need for restocking or adjusting your marketing strategy to promote alternative items. Avoiding stock outs is crucial to maintain customer satisfaction and trust.

On-demand SKUs: Efficient Order Fulfillment

“On-demand SKUs” are products that you will only request from suppliers when you receive an order. This strategy helps streamline your inventory, reducing the risk of overstocking while ensuring you can fulfill customer orders promptly. Managing on-demand SKUs requires close coordination with suppliers to maintain a seamless order fulfillment process.

How to Generate SKUs for Your Products

Generating effective Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) is a pivotal step in organizing your inventory on Shopee. A well-crafted SKU system not only enhances your backend operations but also facilitates a seamless shopping experience for your customers. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to create and manage SKUs for your products on Shopee.

1. Understand Your Product Categories

Begin by categorizing your products into logical groups. Whether it’s by product type, brand, or any other relevant classification, having a clear understanding of your inventory categories will set the foundation for generating meaningful SKUs.

2. Establish a Naming Convention

Develop a consistent naming convention for your SKUs. This can include abbreviations for product features, colors, sizes, or any other pertinent details. A standardized naming convention simplifies SKU identification and makes it easier to manage and update your inventory.

3. Incorporate Product Identifiers

Include unique product identifiers such as GTIN number,European Article Number codes, or your internal product codes in your SKUs. This adds an extra layer of specificity, reducing the chances of errors and ensuring each SKU is distinct.

4. Utilize Alphanumeric Combinations

Create alphanumeric combinations for your SKUs. This can involve incorporating letters, numbers, or a combination of both. Alphanumeric SKUs not only enhance organization but also provide a scalable system that accommodates a growing product range.

5. Consider Seasonal or Time-Based Codes

If your inventory experiences seasonal changes or if you regularly introduce new products, consider incorporating date-based elements into your SKUs. This can help in quickly identifying when a product was added or if it’s part of a limited-time collection.

6. Account for Variants and Attributes

For products with variations such as size, color, or material, include these attributes in your SKUs. This ensures that each variant has a unique identifier, preventing confusion and making it easier to manage different product options.

7. Regularly Review and Update SKUs

As your product catalog evolves, periodically review and update your SKUs. This is particularly important when discontinuing products, introducing new ones, or making changes to existing items. Keeping your SKU system up-to-date maintains accuracy and efficiency in your inventory management.

8. Test Your SKU System

Before implementing your SKU system across your entire inventory, conduct tests on a small scale. This allows you to identify any potential issues and refine your approach, ensuring a smooth transition to the new system.

9. Document Your SKU System

Create documentation that outlines your SKU system, including the naming conventions, identifiers used, and any other relevant details. This documentation serves as a reference for you and your team, promoting consistency in SKU generation and management.

10. Integrate SKUs into Shopee’s Platform

Once you’ve established your SKU system, seamlessly integrate it into Shopee’s platform. Update or assign SKUs to your products using Shopee’s inventory management tools, ensuring that your backend organization aligns with the platform’s requirements.

By following these steps, you can create a robust SKU system tailored to your e-commerce business on Shopee. A well-organized inventory not only simplifies your operations but also enhances the overall shopping experience for your customers.

Tips For Efficient SKU Management

Efficient Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) management is key to the success of your e-commerce venture on Shopee. Streamlining your SKU processes not only ensures a well-organized inventory but also contributes to a smoother overall operation. Here are valuable tips to optimize your SKU management:

1. Utilize Restock Alert Functionality

Stay ahead of stockouts by leveraging Shopee’s Restock Alert function. Enable notifications to receive timely alerts when your SKUs are Out of Stock or in Low Stock. This proactive approach, powered by Locad’s B2B and Freight module, allows you to seamlessly move stock from manufacturers to warehouses and replenish inventory promptly, minimizing disruptions to your sales.

2. Set Minimum Stock Thresholds and Supplier Lead Time

To identify SKUs in Low Stock, define a minimum stock quantity under the Minimum Stock Threshold column. Additionally, input the number of days it takes for stock to reach your warehouse from the supplier in the Supplier Lead Time column. This strategic approach helps in maintaining optimal stock levels and planning for timely restocking.

3. Regularly Check Quantity to Ship

When utilizing the On-demand function, it’s crucial to regularly check the Quantity to Ship. The Restock Urgency of a product won’t be calculated once On-demand is enabled. By consistently monitoring the Quantity to Ship, you ensure that your restocking strategies remain effective, especially for products fulfilled on-demand.

4. Provide Location Information for SKUs

Enhance your warehouse efficiency by providing location information for each SKU. This information will be reflected in your Air Waybill (AWB), picklist, and packing list. Having clear location details makes it easier for warehouse staff to locate and pick items efficiently, reducing packing and shipping times.

5. Monitor Days of Supply

Stay informed about your inventory’s sustainability by monitoring the Days of Supply. This metric indicates the number of days left before you run out of stock. By keeping a close eye on Days of Supply, you can proactively plan and replenish your inventory in a timely manner, avoiding stockouts and potential sales losses.

SKU Best Practices for Shopee Sellers

Efficient management and strategic structuring of Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are pivotal for success as a Shopee seller. Adopting best practices ensures not only streamlined operations but also an enhanced shopping experience for your customers. Here are key guidelines for Shopee sellers:

A. Structuring SKUs for Easy Navigation

1. Related SKUs and Shopping Experience:

Group related products under a consistent SKU structure. This ensures that similar or complementary items are easily navigable, creating a cohesive shopping experience.

Consider bundling related products to encourage upsells and cross-sells. A well-structured SKU system allows customers to discover additional items seamlessly.

2. Impact on Product Discoverability:

Choose a clear and concise naming convention for SKUs that reflects product attributes. This enhances searchability and contributes to higher visibility on Shopee’s platform.

Incorporate keywords relevant to your products in the SKU names. This can positively impact search engine optimization (SEO) on Shopee, making your products more discoverable to potential customers.

3. Consistency Across Categories:

Maintain consistency in SKU structuring across different product categories. This consistency simplifies backend processes and ensures a uniform shopping experience for customers browsing diverse product offerings in your store.

B. Incorporating Variations in SKUs

1. Managing Product Variations:

Use a systematic approach to incorporate product variations, such as size, color, or material, into your SKUs. This enables customers to easily differentiate between different options of the same product.

Clearly communicate variations within the SKU name to help customers make informed purchase decisions without navigating away from the product page.

2. Streamlining Inventory Management:

Implement a standardized system for managing SKU variations. This makes it easier to track inventory levels, update product information, and ensure accurate stock availability for each product variant.

Leverage Shopee’s platform features to display and manage product variations effectively. This can include utilizing dropdown menus or dedicated sections for selecting different options.

3. Enhancing Customer Selection Experience:

Optimize the customer selection process by providing clear images and descriptions for each product variation. This helps customers visualize the differences between options and make confident purchasing decisions.

Ensure that the variation-specific SKU names align with customer expectations, avoiding confusion and promoting a seamless shopping experience.

How SKUs Help In Monitoring Inventory And Reducing Out-Of-Stock Situations

Efficient inventory management is a cornerstone of success for any e-commerce business, and Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) play a pivotal role in this process. Shopee sellers can harness the power of SKUs to monitor inventory seamlessly and mitigate the risk of out-of-stock situations. Here’s how SKUs contribute to proactive inventory control:

1. Real-Time Visibility with SKU Tracking:

SKUs serve as unique identifiers for each product in your inventory. By assigning a distinct SKU to every item, sellers gain real-time visibility into stock levels for individual products.

Monitoring SKUs allows sellers to track sales trends, identify fast-moving items, and allocate resources more effectively to prevent stockouts.

2. Preventing Overselling with SKU Precision:

Each SKU corresponds to a specific quantity of a product. By keeping SKUs accurate and up-to-date, sellers can prevent overselling—ensuring that customers only purchase items that are genuinely in stock.

The precision provided by SKUs minimizes the risk of customer dissatisfaction due to unfulfilled orders, fostering trust and loyalty.

3. Timely Restocking Decisions:

Monitoring SKUs helps sellers identify products that are approaching low stock levels. By setting up alerts or thresholds for each SKU, sellers receive notifications when it’s time to initiate the restocking process.

Proactive management of SKUs enables timely decision-making, allowing sellers to replenish inventory before items reach critically low levels.

4. Strategic Allocation of Resources:

SKUs assist sellers in categorizing and prioritizing products based on their individual performance. This data-driven approach enables strategic resource allocation, focusing efforts on products with higher demand or profit margins.

Sellers can optimize marketing strategies, promotions, and production efforts based on SKU-level insights, reducing the likelihood of stockouts for high-demand items.

5. Improved Forecasting with SKU Analytics:

Utilizing historical data associated with SKUs provides valuable insights for inventory forecasting. Sellers can analyze SKU-level performance to anticipate demand patterns, seasonal trends, and market fluctuations.

SKU analytics empower sellers to make informed decisions, ensuring that inventory levels align with anticipated demand, ultimately reducing the risk of out-of-stock situations.

6. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:

Maintaining accurate SKUs results in a more reliable shopping experience for customers. When customers can trust that product availability information is accurate, it reduces the likelihood of disappointment caused by out-of-stock scenarios.

By leveraging SKUs to manage inventory effectively, sellers contribute to enhanced customer satisfaction, fostering positive reviews and repeat business.

Benefits Of Utilizing SKUs On Shopee

Efficient inventory management and streamlined order fulfillment are integral to the success of any e-commerce business on Shopee. Leveraging Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) on Shopee offers a range of benefits that enhance both of these critical aspects of your business.

A. Enhanced Inventory Management

1. Granular Inventory Control:

SKUs provide a granular level of control over your inventory by uniquely identifying each product. This precision allows for accurate tracking of stock levels and prevents discrepancies that could lead to overselling or stockouts.

2. Real-Time Visibility:

With SKUs, sellers gain real-time visibility into the status of individual products. This allows for timely decision-making, enabling quick restocking decisions and strategic resource allocation based on SKU-level insights.

3. Optimized Stock Replenishment:

Utilizing SKUs facilitates the implementation of restock alerts and minimum stock thresholds. Sellers can proactively replenish inventory for products nearing low stock levels, reducing the likelihood of out-of-stock situations.

4. Efficient Management of Product Variations:

SKUs support the efficient management of product variations, such as size, color, or style. This ensures that each variant is accurately represented in your inventory, minimizing confusion and streamlining the customer selection process.

B. Streamlined Order Fulfillment

1. Accurate Order Picking:

SKUs play a crucial role in accurate order picking within the warehouse. Clear SKU identification on picklists and packing lists allows warehouse staff to locate and pack items efficiently, reducing errors and enhancing fulfillment speed. When partnering with third-party logistics well-defined SKUs make it easy for warehouse operators to spot your product and move them to the packing station effortlessly. 

2. Effective On-Demand Fulfillment:

For products fulfilled on-demand, SKUs help maintain order accuracy. Regularly checking the Quantity to Ship ensures that restock urgency is calculated correctly, preventing fulfillment delays and maintaining a smooth on-demand order process.

3. Improved Warehouse Efficiency:

Providing location information for each SKU enhances warehouse efficiency. This information, reflected in the Air Waybill (AWB) and other documents, enables swift and organized picking and packing of orders, ultimately expediting the order fulfillment process.

4. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:

Streamlined order fulfillment, made possible by effective SKU utilization, contributes to a positive customer experience. Accurate and timely order processing, with the help of SKUs, reduces the likelihood of order errors and delays, leading to increased customer satisfaction.

Troubleshooting SKU-related Issues on Shopee

ellers may encounter various challenges related to Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) on the Shopee platform. Common issues include:

  • Discrepancies in inventory levels
  • Difficulty in tracking product variations, and
  • Potential errors in order fulfillment. 

To address these challenges, sellers should regularly audit and reconcile their SKUs with actual inventory, ensuring that each SKU corresponds accurately to the corresponding product. Implementing regular checks and utilizing Shopee’s built-in tools for SKU management, such as restock alerts and minimum stock thresholds, can help identify and resolve issues before they impact the customer experience. Additionally, monitoring SKU-related metrics, like Days of Supply, aids in proactive decision-making to prevent stockouts.

Ensuring Accuracy in SKU Implementation

The accuracy of SKU implementation is paramount for effective troubleshooting. Sellers must establish and adhere to a standardized naming convention, incorporating relevant details such as product variations, to ensure clarity and precision. 

Regularly updating SKUs to reflect changes in inventory, discontinuations, or new product additions is essential for maintaining accuracy. Providing clear location information for each SKU within the warehouse, as reflected in shipping documents, contributes to efficient order fulfillment. Moreover, sellers should educate their team on SKU best practices to minimize errors in SKU creation and maintenance. By consistently ensuring accuracy in SKU implementation, sellers can troubleshoot issues proactively and maintain a smooth and reliable e-commerce operation on Shopee.


Embracing the best practices outlined in this guide transforms SKUs from mere identifiers to powerful tools for e-commerce success on Shopee. Whether it’s enhancing inventory management, streamlining order fulfillment, troubleshooting common issues, or leveraging advanced optimization tips, strategic SKU implementation is the key. 

By understanding the intricacies of SKUs and applying these insights to your Shopee store, you position yourself to not only meet customer expectations but exceed them. Elevate your e-commerce journey by unlocking the full potential of SKUs and watch your business thrive in the dynamic world of online retail.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you read a SKU code?

To read a SKU code, typically, the alphanumeric characters represent specific product details, such as variations, and the sequence aids in quick identification within inventory.

How do I use SKU in Shopee?

In Shopee, use SKUs to uniquely identify and manage your products, facilitating efficient inventory control, order fulfillment, and strategic business insights.

 What is the SKU code for inventory?

The SKU code for inventory is a unique identifier assigned to each product, helping sellers track and manage stock levels, variations, and other relevant information.

What is the meaning of SKU in Shopee?

In Shopee, SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit, representing a unique code assigned to each product to streamline inventory management and order fulfillment.

How do I create a SKU ID for a seller?

To create a SKU ID as a seller, establish a standardized naming convention that incorporates relevant product details, ensuring clarity and consistency across your inventory.

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