How to Sell Faster on eBay: Tips for Optimal Listing and Sales

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eBay is one of the largest and most popular online marketplaces in the world, with over 132 million active buyers. Selling on eBay provides you with the potential to reach these buyers all over the world and take your venture to the next level.

However, as an e-commerce seller in Australia, you have to ensure that you not only compete with other stores to attract shoppers but also ensure that you have the perfect listings that increase product visibility. Compelling product listings on eBay bring in shoppers with high intent and persuade them to buy from you.

This article will provide you with tips on how to sell faster on eBay. We will cover topics such as creating effective ebay listings, pricing your items competitively, and shipping your items quickly and safely. We will also discuss the importance of customer service and feedback.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned seller, there is always room for improvement. By following the tips in this article, you can increase your chances of selling your items quickly and profitably.

Understanding the eBay algorithm to sell better

The eBay Cassini algorithm is the system that takes into account many different factors when ranking listings in search results. Some of the key metrics that the Cassini algorithm studies include:

  • Listing views, clicks, bids, and purchases: These metrics give eBay insights into how buyers are interacting with your listings. Higher numbers of views, clicks, bids, and purchases indicate that your listings are more relevant and attractive to buyers.
  • Return policy: Buyers are more likely to purchase from sellers with generous return policies. eBay takes this into account when ranking listings.
  • Average response times: Buyers appreciate sellers who respond to their questions promptly. eBay rewards sellers with fast response times by ranking their listings higher.
  • Item titles and descriptions: Your item titles and descriptions should be clear, concise, and informative. They should also include relevant keywords that buyers are likely to use when searching for products on eBay.
  • Click-through and sell-through rates: The click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of buyers who click on your listing after seeing it in search results. The sell-through rate is the percentage of listings that you sell. Higher CTRs and sell-through rates indicate that your listings are more relevant and appealing to buyers.
  • Seller ratings: Seller ratings are a measure of your customer satisfaction. Buyers give sellers ratings after they purchase an item. Higher seller ratings indicate that you are a reliable and trustworthy seller.
  • Seller feedback: Seller feedback is a more detailed way for buyers to share their experiences with sellers. eBay takes seller feedback into account when ranking listings.
  • Shipping policies: Buyers want to know how much shipping will cost and when they can expect to receive their item. eBay takes your shipping policies into account when ranking listings.
  • Delivery times: eBay rewards sellers who ship their items quickly and safely. Sellers who meet eBay’s delivery standards are more likely to have their listings ranked higher in search results.

Understanding the eBay Cassini algorithm and the key metrics that it studies can assist you in optimising your listings. You can do this by using the best practices that we have discussed in the following section.

Tips and Tricks to Increase Sales on eBay

The eBay algorithm considers core ranking signals as factors that influence a shopper’s buying decision. Your primary goal is to create listings that convey what your product offers, the pain point it solves, and why shoppers should consider choosing it. In addition, here are some key pointers you need to consider while listing your product on eBay.

Optimise Descriptions

Your eBay descriptions are one of the most important factors in determining whether or not buyers will purchase your items. Well-written, informative descriptions can help you to attract more buyers and sell your items faster. This practice will help keep your listing fresh and relevant and address buyer feedback.

Here are some tips for writing effective eBay descriptions:

  • Use clear and concise language and avoid using jargon or technical terms.
  • Be informative and include all of the important information about your item, such as its condition, size, and features.
  • Do not exaggerate the condition or features of your item.
  • Use relevant keywords throughout your description. eBay’s search engine uses keywords to match buyers with the products they are looking for.
  • Proofread your descriptions carefully and avoid errors in grammar and spelling.

Use clear images of products

High-quality product photos are essential for selling on eBay. Buyers want to see what they are buying, and good photos will help you showcase your items in the best possible light.

Below are some tips for taking appealing and informative product photos:

  • Use good lighting: Natural light is always best, but if you are shooting indoors, use a tripod and artificial lighting to avoid blurry photos.
  • Take photos from multiple angles: This will give buyers a better idea of what your item looks like.
  • Use a white background: This will help your product to stand out and make it easier for buyers to see the details.
  • Zoom in on important features: If your item has any special features, be sure to zoom in on them so that buyers can see them clearly.
  • Edit your photos carefully: Adjust the brightness, contrast, and other settings of your photos. However, be careful not to over-edit your photos, as this can make them look fake.
  • Use props to showcase your product: For example, if you are selling a piece of jewellery, you could photograph it on a model or with a complementary outfit.
  • Use Alt Tags: Make sure that the keywords used for the listing is also included in the HTML alt tags of the images. 

Try an eBay-promoted listings campaign

The eBay Promoted Listings is a paid advertising program that helps sellers to increase the visibility of their products. When you create a Promoted Listings campaign, your products will be displayed in more prominent positions on eBay’s search results pages and category pages.

Promoted Listings can be a great way to increase sales, especially if you are selling in a competitive category or if you have new products that you want to promote. 

To set up a Promoted Listings campaign, follow these steps:

  • Select the products that you want to promote 
  • Set a daily budget
  • Choose a bidding strategy:
    • Cost Per Click (CPC): You pay a fee each time a buyer clicks on your ad.
    • Cost Per Thousand (CPM): You pay a fee for every 1,000 times that your ad is displayed.

Once you have created your campaign, you can monitor its performance and make adjustments using the detailed reports that eBay provides. These reports show you how many people are seeing your ads, how many clicks you are getting, and how many sales you are making.

Moreover, to optimise your Promoted Listings campaigns, you should consider doing the following:

  • Promote products that are in high demand and that have a good profit margin.
  • Set a competitive budget — high enough to get your ads seen but not so high that you are losing money.
  • Choose the right bidding strategy, i.e., if you are on a tight budget, CPC bidding may be a good option. However, if you have a larger budget, CPM bidding may be a better option.
  • Monitor your campaign performance and make adjustments as needed.

Use keywords to attract views

Keyword research is important for eBay listings because it helps you to identify the words and phrases that potential buyers are using to search for products like yours. By using relevant keywords in your listings, you can increase the chances of your listings being found by potential buyers.

Here are some best practices for conducting keyword research for your eBay listings:

  • Think like a buyer: What words and phrases would you use to search for the products you are selling?
  • Use eBay’s search suggestions feature: When you start typing a search term into eBay’s search bar, eBay will suggest related keywords. These are keywords that other buyers are using to search for products.
  • Use eBay keyword research tools: There are a number of keyword research tools available online that can help you generate a list of relevant keywords for your products. Such as:
    • eBay Keyword Tool Dominator
    • Keyword Tool
    • Terapeak
    • Helium 10
    • Sellics
  • Once you have a list of relevant keywords, you need to incorporate them naturally into your eBay listing descriptions, listing titles and item specifics.

Ship fast and free

According to a recent survey by eBay, 75% of buyers said that free shipping is important to them when making a purchase decision. eBay’s search algorithm also takes into account shipping costs and delivery times. 

Listings with fast and free shipping are more likely to be ranked higher in search results. Hence, buyers are more likely to purchase from sellers who offer fast and free shipping. 

So how can you improve your shipping? By following these tips!

  • Choose the right shipping carrier: Compare shipping rates from different carriers to find the best deals. Moreover, consider opting for a 3PL with preferred shipping partner options.
  • Offer combined shipping discounts: Provide buyers a discount on shipping when they purchase multiple items from you.
  • Use shipping software: Shipping software can help you automate your shipping process and save time and money.
  • Negotiate with shipping carriers: If you are a high-volume shipper, you may be able to negotiate lower shipping rates with shipping carriers.
  • Offer free shipping on selected items: You can offer free shipping on selected items, such as items that are over a certain price or items that are shipped to a certain location.

Don’t Use the Auto-Decline Feature

The auto-decline feature on eBay allows sellers to automatically decline offers that are below a certain price. However, using this feature may cause more harm than good. You can miss out on potential sales and even alienate certain customers and discourage others from bidding on your products. This can lead to low visibility in the long term and even lower seller ratings.

Instead, professionally renegotiate the offer and keep your mind open about it. If you cannot reach an agreement, appreciate their interest and politely decline the offer.

Use the Best Offer Feature

The Best Offer feature on eBay allows sellers to receive offers from potential buyers on their items. This can be a great way to encourage buyer engagement and close more sales. It allows buyers to negotiate offers and allows sellers to create a sense of urgency.

Here are some tips on using the Best Offer feature effectively:

  • Set a minimum offer price: This will ensure that you do not receive offers that are too low.
  • Set a response time: This will let buyers know how long they can expect to wait for a response to their offer.
  • Counter low offers: Even if a buyer’s initial offer is low, they may be willing to negotiate. If you counter their offer with a price that is fair to both of you, you may be able to close the sale.
  • Use the Best Offer feature on items that are in high demand: Buyers are more likely to make offers on items that they are really interested in.
  • Offer discounts on multiple purchases: This can encourage buyers to make offers on multiple items, which can increase your sales.

Offer Many Online Payment Options

Offering multiple online payment options is a great way to attract a broader range of buyers. Some buyers may prefer to use certain payment methods, such as PayPal or credit card, over others. By offering multiple payment options, you can make it easier for buyers to purchase your items.

Here are some popular payment methods accepted on eBay Australia:

  • PayPal
  • Credit or debit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
  • Afterpay
  • Zip
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • eBay gift card or eBay voucher

In addition to these payment methods, you may also be able to offer other payment options, such as bank transfer or direct deposit.

Experiment with eBay pricing and sales

eBay has many flexible pricing strategies, such as auctions, fixed-price listings, or bundles. And while experimenting with them comes with its own adversities, the pros far outweigh the cons in most cases. 

Use these tips to start experimenting with your eBay pricing:

  • Start with a competitive price: Look at what other sellers are charging for similar items. You don’t want to price your item too high or too low.
  • Use eBay’s pricing tools: eBay offers a number of pricing tools that can help you set competitive prices and track your sales performance.
  • Experiment with different pricing strategies: Offer discounts, run promotions, or use dynamic pricing.
  • Monitor your sales performance: Pay attention to how your sales performance changes when you make changes to your pricing. This will help you to determine which pricing strategies are most effective for your business.

Establish Good Seller Ratings for Quick Sales

Positive seller ratings and feedback can boost trust among potential buyers in a number of ways. First, they show that other buyers have had positive experiences with the seller. This can give potential buyers confidence that the seller is reliable and trustworthy. Second, positive seller ratings and feedback can help to establish the seller’s credibility. Potential buyers are more likely to purchase from sellers who have a good reputation.

Use these tips to maintain a high seller rating:

  • Provide excellent customer service. 
  • Be honest and transparent in your listings and only publish accurate information.
  • Ship items on time and track them properly. 
  • Be proactive in resolving any issues that may arise.
  • Encourage feedback from buyers and use negative feedback to improve your business.


In the article above, we discussed the best tips and tricks for selling successfully on eBay. These tips covered a wide range of topics, from optimising your listings to providing excellent customer service.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of selling your items quickly and profitably. If you optimise your listings for eBay’s search engine, offer competitive prices and free shipping, respond to buyer inquiries promptly and professionally, and ship items quickly and safely, you will be able to attract more buyers and improve your customer satisfaction rating.

By improving your eBay selling experience, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your selling goals. So go on and apply these strategies at the earliest and find yourself at the helm of managing a successful eBay store!

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