How to Get a Tax Invoice from eBay: Managing Financial Records

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As a seller on eBay, you have an online store, set up compelling listings, and have orders pouring in. As you cater to the rising demand with sales, the significance of a tax invoice often takes a back seat. Yet, for eBay sellers in Australia, understanding tax invoices and accounting it is extremely crucial. These documents go beyond receipts; they are vital for financial accountability. They provide a transaction’s detailed record, impacting GST credits, and, more significantly, are a legal requirement set by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). 

In this guide, we will look at the process of obtaining tax invoices from eBay and offer valuable tips for efficient financial record management. Whether you’re an experienced seller or a newcomer, this guide will help you navigate eBay’s financial landscape effectively.

Tax Breakup

Selling on eBay Australia offers a lucrative opportunity to generate income, but it’s crucial to be aware of the tax implications that come along with it. Navigating the tax landscape can be daunting, but with the right understanding of the tax breakup, you can avoid unwanted tax liabilities and ensure smooth sailing.

A tax break-up refers to the different types of taxes that may apply to your eBay sales in Australia. These include:

  • Income Tax: You are liable for income tax on your total eBay sales, excluding any allowable expenses.
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST): If your annual eBay sales exceed $75,000, you must register for GST and charge it on all taxable sales.
  • Capital Gains Tax (CGT): CGT may apply if you sell an item on eBay for a profit that exceeds its cost base.

How to get a tax invoice as a seller

Getting a tax invoice as an eBay seller is a straightforward process that can be accomplished through the Seller Hub or the “Sold” section on My eBay. Here are the steps to retrieve your tax invoice:

  • Access Your eBay Account: Log in to your eBay account to begin the process.
  • Navigate to the Seller Hub or “Sold” Section: You can access your tax invoices from either the Seller Hub or the “Sold” section on My eBay.
  • Locate the Transaction: Find the specific transaction for which you need a tax invoice. This is typically found in your order history or sales record.
  • Generate the Tax Invoice: Once you’ve located the transaction, you should see an option to generate a tax invoice. Click on it to initiate the process.
  • Review and Save: Review the generated tax invoice for accuracy and save it for your records.

By following these simple steps, you can easily obtain a tax invoice for your eBay transactions. Just remember to keep your ABN and GST registration numbers handy to complete the process smoothly. Having these records readily available ensures that your tax invoices are generated accurately and are compliant with Australian tax regulations.

Understanding Taxes through eBay Transaction Report and Financial Statement

The eBay transaction report details the breakdown of all activity of your account during a specific period. It offers details like transaction, order number, buyer name, payout date, selling fees that include taxes, transaction date, and other transaction particulars. 

Generating your eBay Transaction Report

Unlike invoices, the transaction report will be emailed to the address linked to your eBay account once it has been generated. 

  • From inside your Seller Hub, go to the Payments Tab and choose Reports on the left menu.
  • Under the Download section, choose Transaction Report
  • Specify the type of the report, the start and end date of the transaction period
  • In the column settings, choose the fields that you want to include in the report, and once finalised, select Save
  • Hit Create Report to generate

While generating your transaction report, it is important to understand that there may be discrepancies in the report due to international time zone differences. This also applies if you have sold internationally. 

Getting your eBay Financial Statement

Unlike your transaction report, your financial statement will be emailed to you on a monthly basis. The financial statement offers you a summary of your monthly activity and transaction details. 

An eBay financial statement contains a detailed view of your transactions, order information, refunds, payouts, payment disputes, and selling fees for that month. 

Downloading Financial Statements on eBay:

  • From inside your Seller Hub, go to the Payments tab
  • Choose Reports > Payments
  • Select Download next to the desired financial statement 

Tips for Managing Your eBay Financial Records

Effectively managing your eBay financial records is essential for both staying organised and ensuring compliance with tax regulations. Here are some valuable tips to help you keep your eBay financial records in order:

  1. Keep Track of All eBay Purchases and Sales

To maintain accurate financial records, make use of tools like “My Purchase History” and “My Selling History” on eBay. These features allow you to track all your purchases and sales. Regularly review these histories to stay updated on your financial transactions.

  1. Download and Save Copies of eBay Sale Invoices

It’s a good practice to download and save copies of all your eBay sale invoices. This can be done by following these simple steps:

  • Go to your eBay account.
  • Access the “Purchase History” or “Selling History” section.
  • Locate the transaction for which you need an invoice.
  • Click on the transaction and look for an option to download the invoice.
  • Save the invoice to a designated folder on your computer for easy access.

Having digital copies of your eBay invoices ensures you have a reliable record of your financial transactions.

  1. Categorise Your eBay Expenses and Income

Categorising your eBay expenses and income is a practice that can provide several benefits. By assigning expenses and income to specific categories, you can:

  • Easily identify which items are selling well and which may need adjustments.
  • Streamline the process of calculating profits and losses.
  • Simplify the tracking of tax-deductible expenses, helping you maximise deductions.

Common expense categories might include shipping costs, listing fees, and packaging supplies, while income categories could be organised by product type or source.

  1. Reconcile Your eBay Financial Records on a Regular Basis:

Regular reconciliation of your eBay financial records is crucial. This involves comparing your records with your bank statements and PayPal transactions to ensure they match up. Here’s how to do it:

  • Review your eBay financial records
  • Compare them with the corresponding bank statements and PayPal transactions.
  • Identify and address any discrepancies.
  • Make necessary adjustments to rectify errors or inconsistencies.

Regular reconciliation is crucial to catching errors early and ensuring accurate financial records.


The significance of meticulous financial record-keeping cannot be overstated. Therefore, this article has unveiled the essentials of obtaining tax invoices as an eBay seller, highlighting the importance of accurate records and offering practical tips for efficient financial management. 

By tracking transactions, categorising expenses, and reconciling records, you not only ensure compliance but also empower your business for growth. 

Take charge of your eBay finances and watch your venture thrive. Start implementing these strategies today and gain the financial edge your e-commerce business deserves!

What are the implications of not issuing tax invoices as an eBay seller?

Failure to issue tax invoices to GST-registered buyers can lead to penalties imposed by the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

Where can I find a template for a tax invoice?

You can find a template for a tax invoice on the ATO website.

How do I keep my eBay financial records organised?

Keep a record of all your sales and expenses. Be sure to keep all of your receipts and invoices. Reconcile your bank accounts regularly. File your taxes on time.

What should I do if a buyer asks me for a tax invoice but I don’t know their ABN?

You can ask the buyer to provide their ABN. If they are not willing to provide their ABN, you are not required to issue them a tax invoice.

How do single, multiple-quantity and multi-order items appear on a transaction report?

Each item has its unique item ID. For single-order items, a seller can find the order and the item details on a single row. For a purchased order with multiple items, the first row will contain the order details, and the subsequent rows will list out the item details. 

For orders with multiple quantities of the same item, the transaction report will list them as one item in a single row.

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