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Inventory Product Archival

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As a brand that’s shipping hundreds of items daily, your customers are bound to demand more of something, or none of anything. 

What is Inventory Product Archival?

  • Merchants can now choose to archive or re-activate their archived inventory products via the ‘Inventory Products’ section from the left panel on the OMS.
  • Merchants can now utilize the Inventory Product Archival feature at a greatly improved page load speed on the OMS.

The OMS Interface has also been updated for a clearer view of the total inventory between Active and Archived products. 

Inventory Product Archival

How to archive a product?

  • Access your products from the ‘Products’ tab on the left panel and click on ‘Inventory Products’
  • Select the inventory you want to archive and update the product status
Inventory Product Archival

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