What Is Packaging Fulfillment?

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Every business has several roles to fulfill. From production to website designing, running a business is difficult and, most certainly, not to be taken for granted. A crucial feature that helps a company maintain its customer base and reliability is the packaging.

How a product is packaged, along with its shape, size, and weight, is a significant factor that builds any company’s reputation and ultimately helps determine its shipping costs. Moreover, packaging becomes essential, with most websites harboring a critical international customer base. Needless to say, any brand’s packaging ends up being their identity, and hence, most companies aim to create a good one. 

Now that we’ve covered the packaging basics, we can move on to packaging fulfilment. Packaging fulfilment mainly refers to carrying out the entire process of packaging until its completion. This is where packaging fulfilment partners come in.

Wondering who they are? Well,  packaging fulfilment partners are third-party members who specialize in packaging products according to the needs of the company they are working with. The right packaging fulfilment partner, like LOCAD, will work towards creating an optimized packaging process that reduces costs while maintaining the reliability and value of the concerned brand. 

What Is Packaging Fulfillment?

Stages of Packaging

Even though packaging seems like an easy one-step process, in reality, even packaging is comprised of stages that cannot be ignored. Here, we will discuss the three steps of packaging:

1. Manufacturing

First and foremost, the packaging has to be manufactured. This crucial step is when factors related to the design of the final package, cost, material, method of manufacturing, and so on, are considered. Manufacturing of packaging has an impact on the overall order fulfilment process since any delay in this step will negatively impact the whole order fulfilment timeline. 

2. Assembling

Right after manufacturing comes assembling. Furthermore, the package is most likely to be filled during this stage as well. Once again, points to be kept in mind while filling a package are whether the product to be kept in the package can be held on its own or if it would need a special tray or stand. In addition, a choice would have to be made between manual assembling and filling or going the automatic way. 

3. Transporting

Finally, after manufacturing and assembling comes transporting. The efficiency of the first two steps is reflected in this stage of packaging. What’s the best way? Well, if the package has been manufactured, assembled, and filled correctly, long-distance shipping would not cause any damage, thus, saving on unnecessary costs. That being said, if the product inside is too fragile, packaging companies do tend to provide separate tamper protection measures, in addition to the regular packaging. 

Why Packaging Matters

For quite a long time, packaging simply meant wrapping up a product and delivering it. However, with changing times and the continual rise of buyers in the market, packaging has become a crucial part of the order fulfilment process that cannot be ignored. Most smart business owners won’t dare to underestimate the value of packaging anymore. Let us now understand why packaging matters as much as it does: 

1. Cost reduction

Apparently, it may seem like cost optimization, or reduction has nothing to do with packaging. If that is what you believe too, then you are mistaken. The right kind of packaging is an essential step in any business. While most companies might view high-quality packaging as an unnecessary investment, this saves a lot of money in the long run. 

With proper packaging of appropriate dimensions, companies can save a ton on shipping costs. Furthermore, using packaging material like bubble wrap in the required quantity, depending on the product inside, instead of a pre-set standardized amount, also helps in saving money. In addition to all this, good packaging means better product safety. Hence, lesser chances of return of damaged goods, which also saves time, money, and resources. 

2. Establishing brand identity

With so many up-and-coming businesses, it has now become more important than ever to establish one’s own brand identity. Hence, most brands these days have come up with unique packaging that reflects their values. 

While ideally, a book shouldn’t be judged by its cover, first impressions are usually the strongest ones in reality. Hence, unique and charming packaging and good quality packaging results in satisfied customers and worthy brand identity. 

3. Maintaining product safety

Needless to say, the most basic need for packaging is to keep the products safe inside. These days, there isn’t any item that is not sold online and subsequently shipped worldwide. So, with the proper packaging, the safety and integrity of the products can be assured, no matter how far it travels and whether it is made of glass or cloth. 

What Is Packaging Fulfillment?

4. Social media marketing

Many brands rely on social media and social media influencers to help them reach a broad audience. With good packaging that can become part of ‘unboxing’ videos, any business owner can expect to gain a lot of online traction and even go viral, leading to more sales and profits. 

5. Environmental safety

With each year going by, it is becoming all the more important for businesses and enterprises to develop environmentally friendly packaging. The right type of packaging can help brands take a much more conscious step, thus minimizing their carbon footprint and inspiring their buyers to do the same. 

6. Faster dispatch

There are several reasons why product dispatch timings are delayed. One such reason is improper packaging. Just like any other step in an order fulfilment process, even packaging is a crucial step that needs to be optimized to perfection. With the help of the proper packaging procedure, your company can manage time and fulfil delivery estimates. 

7. Cross-selling

Most companies sell more than one kind of product. So, with packaging, brands can include brochures or samples of other products to gain some traction. This is quite a smooth marketing tactic that provides a prospect of more sales and gets your customer interested in your brand. 

8. Increasing return rate

Last but not least, the final aim of any company is to have their customers keep returning for more. Good packaging always leaves an excellent impression on buyers, resulting in an increased return rate. The buyers will return to your business to buy more items, keeping their first impression in mind. 

Role of Packaging in E-commerce

The exponential growth of e-commerce brands has set the bar much higher for new and existing e-commerce enterprises to succeed and gain a broad audience. So, just like every other aspect of order fulfilment, even packaging plays a huge role in e-commerce and, thus, needs to be minutely looked after. Continue reading to know more!

1. Easy product identification

Naturally, one of the main roles of packaging in e-commerce is utilitarian. With the right labelling and even packaging size, it becomes easy for warehouse workers to identify the product inside. This saves time and ensures faster dispatch, as there is little room for confusion and mismanagement. 

2. Increasing brand value

As already discussed, a considerable portion of any brand’s value and identity depends on its packaging, which is the first thing to catch the buyer’s attention. Furthermore, in the world of e-commerce, since there is no face-to-face interaction between the buyer and the seller, the packaging becomes the face of the entire company. Thus, with excellent packaging comes increased brand value. 

3. Gaining customer loyalty

Good packaging almost always results in the gain of customer loyalty. How does it work? Well, for starters, proper packaging ensures the items inside are safe. Thus, customers will never be left disappointed with damaged goods. Furthermore, as already mentioned, packages can be used for cross-selling or even including discount coupons or other promotional material that will most certainly delight buyers, making them return for more.

4. Promotional tool

Almost everyone has come across at least one ‘unboxing’ video on the internet. Nowadays, most buyers are looking for a complete experience that includes enjoying unboxing their newly arrived goodies. With exciting and fun packaging or even sophisticated and polished packaging, you can enhance your buyers’ experience and get promoted on the internet. 

5.  Better shelf life

Many perishable items mainly rely on proper packaging for better shelf life. If the product you are selling is too fragile, its packaging needs to be equipped with enhanced protection to ensure the product lasts. This is particularly true for food items, which need to be maintained at the correct temperatures using insulators or ice packs. 

   6.  Convenience

Above all, the convenience that comes with appropriate packaging is endless. For long-distance shipping, saving money, optimization of dispatch time, and maintaining a flawless order fulfillment process from start to finish, the packaging is the glue that holds it all together. 

The different fulfillment orders

Finding the Right Packaging Fulfillment Company

Keeping so many things about packaging in mind, many enterprises these days choose to hire a packaging fulfilment company to take care of their packaging requirements. While any packaging fulfilment company can claim to be the best in its field, that is seldom the truth. Therefore, if you are in search of a packaging fulfilment company to monitor your brand’s packaging necessities, here are a few essential points to keep in mind:

1. Cost-effectiveness

Since packaging has a lot of aspects to it, packaging fulfillment companies can charge you an excessive amount of money to fulfill your requirements. Some might even believe that higher payment means better service. However, the truth is that the right packaging fulfillment company will provide the needed assistance without charging an extravagant amount. In fact, an experienced packaging fulfillment company, like Locad, will know exactly where to optimize costs and how. 

2. Environmental friendly approach

As you already read a bit earlier, business enterprises should take responsibility for their effect on the environment. Since companies are responsible for mass-producing packaging material that ultimately ends up in the trash, it falls under their direct purview to use environmentally-friendly material. 

So, when looking for a packaging fulfillment partner to support your requirements, ensure they have an environmentally sound approach that includes biodegradable packing boxes, minimal use of plastic, and employment of recyclable and reusable packaging. 

3. Open to personalization

The last thing you would want your packaging fulfillment partner to be is rigid. A good packaging fulfillment partner should be able to cater to their client’s requirements and make changes wherever asked. 

Standard packaging for all companies working with a packaging fulfillment partner is a big no-no, especially if trying to set forth your brand identity. Hence, ensure your packaging partner is open to personalizing your brand’s packaging and can add their artistic touch to it. 

4. Smooth operations and management

It can take less than a second with improper management and operations for a warehouse to descend into utter chaos. Hence, it is quintessential for all packaging fulfillment companies to ensure smooth operations and administration by hiring trained individuals, maintaining their data, and constantly monitoring the packaging process. 

Naturally, any delay in the packaging process will lead to a significant delay in the whole dispatch and delivery of goods. 

5. Use of modern machinery

In most cases, machines are much more efficient than humans. So, while picking your packaging fulfillment partner, you might want to choose one whose warehouse employs devices wherever necessary. This makes the packaging process more flawless and ensures an easy and smooth flow of things, saving time and resources. 

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  • Unlimited and scaleable warehousing
  • Pay only for what you store
  • No hidden fees or lock-in periods
  • Zero inbound costs
  • Wide integration with marketplaces
  • Automated logistics and delivery
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