Multi-channel Selling in Australia: An E-commerce Strategy

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The concept of multi-channel selling has emerged as a game-changer for businesses in the Australian e-commerce realm. In a recent survey conducted by Gartner, a staggering 40% of marketers in Australia identified their top multichannel marketing challenge as the need to reach audiences at their prefrred platform where they shop. This statistic underscores the vital importance of mastering the art of multi-channel selling.

In this blog, we offer you a primer on the intricacies of multi-channel selling,   its significance, strategies to implement multi-channel selling, and the manifold benefits it offers to businesses. 

So, whether you’re a seasoned e-commerce expert or just setting up your e-commerce business in Australia, this blog will equip you with the insights and know-how to harness the power of multi-channel selling effectively.

What is multichannel selling?

Multichannel selling, refers to the practice of offering products or services through multiple online channels simultaneously. It helps  you diversify your brand’s presence beyond a single platform,  enabling you to reach  the digital storefronts, marketplaces, and social media avenues that your  consumers frequent. 

With multichannel selling, your products or services become accessible to a broader audience, not confined to a single platform or website. Think of it as setting up shop in different neighbourhoods within the vast town of the internet. You can reach potential customers through:

  • Online marketplaces such as Shopify and eBay 
  • Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok
  • Your own e-commerce store
  • Email marketing
  • Dedicated e-commerce apps

In a single-channel approach, a business typically operates through a solitary platform, often its own website. While this method has its merits, it limits your reach to a specific audience segment. Multichannel selling, however, thrives on diversity. It recognises that consumers use various digital domains, each with its unique preferences and habits. By embracing multiple channels, you adapt to the diverse needs of your audience, ensuring that your products or services meet them wherever they are, resulting in a much broader reach.

Types of e-commerce businesses benefit from multichannel selling

Multichannel selling is a versatile strategy that can be harnessed by various types of e-commerce businesses, each reaping distinct advantages from this approach. Let’s take a look at the different e-commerce business types and explore how they benefit from the dynamic world of multichannel selling, with a touch of real-world inspiration from Australian powerhouse brands.

  1. Retail E-commerce

Traditional retail businesses have found new life through multichannel selling. They can expand their reach beyond brick-and-mortar stores, tap into global markets, and provide seamless shopping experiences. To demonstrate, Cotton On,  an Australian retail brand, has a robust e-commerce presence, combining its physical stores with a strong online presence. They’ve successfully reached a wider audience and catered to varied preferences.

  1. B2B E-commerce 

B2B enterprises thrive on relationships and trust. Multichannel selling allows them to nurture and expand their client base by providing easy access to products and services through various channels. New Zealand-based accounting software company, Xero, uses multichannel marketing to reach small and medium-sized businesses. Their software can be accessed through their website, mobile apps, and partner integrations.

  1. Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) E-commerce

D2C brands cut out intermediaries, reaching consumers directly. Multichannel selling enables them to diversify their reach and control their brand’s image. Australian D2C furniture brand, Koala, offers its products through its website, select retail partners, and even pop-up stores. They’ve grown rapidly by targeting millennials through various channels.

  1. E-commerce Marketplaces

Marketplaces like Shopify, WooCommerceand eBay are inherently multichannel platforms. Sellers on these marketplaces benefit from the massive customer base and infrastructure already in place. An Australian e-commerce giant, Kogan started as an online marketplace and later expanded into multiple product categories, offering a wide array of products to consumers.

  1. Subscription Box E-commerce

Subscription-based businesses rely on customer loyalty. A multichannel approach can enhance customer retention and attract new subscribers by promoting personalised experiences. For example, Bellabox, an Australian beauty subscription box service, leverages social media, email marketing, and its website to engage and retain subscribers, showcasing products and offers across multiple channels.

Channels are involved in multichannel selling

Your success in multichannel selling in Australia hinges on your ability to navigate a landscape swarming with diverse avenues. To truly understand the dynamics of this strategy, let’s take a closer look at the pivotal channels involved. These channels serve as the lifelines connecting businesses to their customers, each offering unique opportunities for engagement, sales, and brand visibility.

  1. Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces serve as digital market hubs where sellers can list their products and reach a vast audience. They offer established infrastructures, customer trust, and a streamlined buying process. They give new brands instant access to a massive customer base and eliminate the hassle associated with setting up your own website.

  1. Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are powerful tools for engaging with your audience. They facilitate content sharing, customer interactions, and targeted advertising. Moreover, they enhanced brand visibility and direct customer engagement. In addition to this, these platforms offer sellers to integrate their online store to the channel.  The social commerce that the platforms offer gives sellers the ability to tap into the latest social trends and promote shopping activity effortlessly.

  1. Company Website and E-commerce Store

Having your website and store, however expensive, allows you to have complete brand and creative control. Your website is the digital anchor of your business. It provides a dedicated space where you can showcase your brand, products, and services. It also offers full control over the customer experience and allows you to curate a completely unique brand experience.

  1. Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a potent tool for reaching your audience directly. It involves sending tailored messages, promotions, and updates to your subscribers. It allows brands to send personalised communication since this allows direct access to interested customers and, therefore, the potential for high ROI.

  1. Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are designed for the smaller screens of smartphones and tablets. They offer a highly engaging and personalised experience for users. Benefits of using mobile apps for selling include, convenient shopping, and the ability to send push notifications for promotions and updates.

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Benefits of Multichannel Selling

Multichannel selling is a roadmap to success, offering a plethora of benefits that can propel your e-commerce business to new heights. Here are a few of the most prominent ones.

  1. Increases Sales 

The magic of multichannel selling lies in its ability to reach diverse customer segments. By expanding your presence across different channels, you can connect with consumers who prefer to shop on marketplaces, engage with social media ads, or browse your website. Furthermore, it opens up enticing opportunities for cross-selling and upselling. For instance, if a customer purchases a camera on your e-commerce website, you can recommend compatible accessories, increasing the average order value.

  1. Saves Time 

Managing multiple channels may sound daunting, but when done efficiently, it can save you precious time. Integration and automation options are your allies in this quest. These tools streamline inventory management, order processing, and customer data, reducing manual workloads. With an integrated system, inventory updates, order processing, and customer interactions can flow seamlessly across channels, leaving you more time to focus on strategy and growth.

  1. Increased Reach to a Wider Customer Base 

Multichannel selling is your passport to an expansive customer base. With each channel, you extend your reach, targeting audiences where they naturally congregate. This diversification minimises your dependency on a single platform and shields your business from market fluctuations.

  1. Strengthens Your Brand Awareness 

Being present on various platforms enhances your brand’s visibility. Consistency is key here. A unified brand image across channels instils trust and recognition. Customers are more likely to engage with and purchase from a brand they encounter consistently across multiple touchpoints, reinforcing your brand’s presence in their minds.

  1. Helps Capitalize on the Mobile Commerce Trend

The mobile commerce trend is skyrocketing, with a significant portion of online shopping occurring on smartphones and tablets. Multichannel selling ensures that you’re well-positioned to tap into this trend. Strategically optimising your channels for mobile access with responsive websites and mobile apps can provide a seamless shopping experience, capitalising on the growing mobile-savvy consumer base.

  1. Targets Customer Segments 

Different channels attract distinct customer demographics. By leveraging these channels, you gain the ability to target specific segments effectively. Whether it’s age groups, geographic locations, or interests, you can tailor your messaging and products to suit the preferences of each segment. This level of customisation and personalisation can significantly boost conversion rates and customer loyalty.

Best practices for multichannel selling

To have a robust strategy in place for multichannel selling in Australia is to truly set yourself up for success. Here are some best practices and tips to ensure your multichannel approach is not only effective but also sustainable.

  1. SEO Optimization for Each Channel: Tailor your content and product listings to suit the format and  SEO requirements of each channel. Conduct thorough keyword research and optimise your titles, descriptions, and metadata to improve visibility. Keep up with SEO trends and algorithms specific to each platform to stay ahead in the rankings.
  1. Consistent Messaging and Branding: Your brand should speak with one voice across all channels. Consistency in messaging and branding builds trust and recognition. Ensure that your logo, colour schemes, and tone of voice remain uniform, reinforcing your brand identity.
  1. Sync Inventory and Order Management: An integrated inventory management system is essential to avoid overselling or running out of stock. With automated syncing across channels, you’ll maintain accurate inventory levels, reducing the risk of disappointing customers.
  1. Customer Service and Support: Exceptional customer service is the cornerstone of multichannel success. Provide consistent, high-quality support across all channels. Engage with customer inquiries promptly, address concerns, and ensure a seamless shopping experience from start to finish.
  1. Analytics and Data-Driven Decision-Making: Leverage analytics tools to gather insights from each channel. Monitor metrics like conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and sales trends. Use these data-driven insights to refine your strategies, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions about channel optimisation.
  1. A/B Testing and Experimentation: Experiment with different strategies on each channel. Conduct A/B tests to identify what works best for your audience. Experimenting with ad formats, messaging, and product placements can uncover new opportunities for growth.
  2. Stay on top of inventory and stock: Managing multiple sales channels in the past involved juggling between different platforms to ensure adequate stock and identify re-order times. With 3PLs, you can sync all your sales channels and monitor it from a single unified control tower. This lets you automate order processing and streamline shipping and delivery without juggling between multiple platforms back and forth.

Final Thoughts

Multichannel selling in Australia can be a robust way to make things work for your e-commerce business. It cleverly helps e-commerce businesses sell to customers when they are engaging with channels. The customer journey today isn’t restricted to one platform. A shopper could first run a search query, look at your paid ads, explore your website, and engage on your social media account before even thinking about buying from you. However, as your e-commerce efforts unfold across diverse digital avenues, it’s crucial to have a reliable fulfillment partner by your side.  

Partnering with Locad helps you navigate inventory and order management, offers seamless integration for multiple sales channels, and offers data-driven insights. Locad empowers businesses to thrive in the complex multichannel landscape through the tools and support to streamline logistics and fulfillment operations. 

Navigate the intricacies of multichannel selling and ensure your business reaches new heights in Australia’s bustling e-commerce arena!

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